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Your Health, Your Business - Do What's Good for Your Health

In a world that celebrates a great physique, it can be challenging to be self-accepting. I, for one, struggled with body image issues since the age of ten, when I was disrespected for being "fat" and "ugly" despite actually being underweight. It only got worse when my "friends" began to pair me with the biggest guy in class, saying how we were perfect for each other because of our weight. It almost took a decade of self-loathing, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders to finally become happy with the way I looked. However my parents felt it was necessary to tell me I was too big when I was truly happy with the body I had crafted, one that was healthy and fit. Although I was confident in my own skin for the first time in my life, the demon in me would whisper, "no one thinks you're worthy of being a personal trainer with that physique." The insecurity ate me alive. This photo represents the time I intrinsically accepted my body, but felt i

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